Puno radno vrijeme
Rok prijave
još 18 dana

O kompaniji

Ad Kraft je digitalna agencija sa kompletnom uslugom. Od web dizajna, preko SEO optimizacije i PPC oglašavanja, pa do vođenja društvenih mreža, naša usluga je cjelovita, a strategija sveobuhvatna.
Njegujemo odnose zasnovane na transparentnosti, upornosti, međusobnom povjerenju i poštovanju sa zaposlenima, klijentima i ostalim poslovnim partnerima.
Strast, kreativnost i želja da internet učinimo boljim mjestom su vrijednosti kojima se vraćamo iz dana u dan. Inovativnim idejama želimo napraviti razliku u digitalnom svijetu. Međusobna saradnja pojedinaca kao i timova je snaga koja stvara ideje koje nas pokreću.
Kao društveno odgovorna kompanija nastojimo podstaknuti razvoj naše društvene zajednice i pozitivno uticati na naše okruženje.

Opis posla

Ad Kraft is seeking a WordPress Developer (Medior/Senior) to help build and maintain successful websites for our clients, develop custom solutions, and ensure optimal performance across all platforms.

Responsibilities of a WordPress Developer include creating and customizing WordPress themes, building and integrating plugins, and working closely with the design team to bring website concepts to life. Success in this role requires strong knowledge of front-end and back-end technologies, as well as hands-on experience with WordPress best practices.

We also need assistance with content updates, performance optimization, and troubleshooting technical issues.


  • Collaborate with designers, project managers, and clients to gather and evaluate user requirements.
  • Develop and customize WordPress themes, templates, and plugins.
  • Implement website architecture, navigation, and user-friendly features based on project needs.
  • Ensure cross-browser compatibility and mobile responsiveness.
  • Optimize websites for speed, scalability, and security.
  • Troubleshoot and resolve website issues, including performance bottlenecks and bugs.
  • Maintain version control and follow best practices in code quality and documentation.
  • Stay up-to-date with emerging web technologies and industry trends.


  • Proven work experience as a WordPress Developer or in a similar role.
  • Solid understanding of WordPress Core, PHP, and JavaScript.
  • Experience with theme frameworks, custom plugins, and page builders.
  • Understanding of SEO principles and best practices.
  • Team spirit; strong communication skills to collaborate effectively with various stakeholders.
  • Good time-management skills and the ability to meet deadlines.

Dodatne Informacije

What We Offer

  • Competitive Salary.
  • Exciting challenges in an international environment.
  • Cozy office and work environment.
  • Opportunities for professional development and advancement.

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