BS Telecom Solutions d.o.o. Sarajevo was founded in 2002 and is present on the market as a manufacturer, supplier and integrator of complete telecommunications and information systems, which are based on modern technologies and our own technological research.
The concept of the solution we offer is always in accordance with the requirements and needs of clients and is based on international standards in the field of telecommunications and IT.
The main goal of our company is achieved by building an appropriate system for our client – making sure that the client is always competitive in the market and increases its own profitability.
Striving for continuous progress while satisfying the demands of its customers with constant improvement of products and services led the BS Telecom Solutions to establish a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001:2000. Since 2004, BS TS has obtained TUV CERT ISO 9001:2000 Certificate 04 100 0412 74 for the area: “Design, development, production, system integration, sales, implementation, support and servicing of telecommunication and data processing systems”
Company mission: Research and development of new services, technologies and engineering solutions in the field of telecommunications and IT
Implementation methods:
Custom tailored solutions: Your wish is our command
Close and constructive interaction with the customer at all work stages
Creation of new services, technologies and systems according to the customer's needs
Research perspective prospects and complete implementation
Opis posla
Kao internacionalna kompanija sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom u proizvodnji, isporuci i integraciji kompletnih telekomunikacijskih i inovativnih informacijskih sistema tražimo iskusne i motivirane sistem inženjere za obavljanje poslova planiranja, projektovanja, implementacije i održavanja telekomunikacionih sistema. Ova pozicija pruža mogućnost rada koristeći različite tehnologije za rješavanje kompleksnih izazova uz konstantno učenje i napredovanje.
Pozicija i kvalifikacije
Neke od karakteristika koje kandidata čine idealnim za ovu poziciju su:
spremnost na timski rad
spremnost za preuzimanje odgovornosti
spremnost na stalno usavršavanje
svijest o važnosti rokova
izražene organizacijske vještine
izražene komunikacijske vještine
Uslovi koje trebate ispunjavati:
Univerzitetska diploma (poželjno Elektrotehnički fakultet, odsjek za telekomunikacije);
Poznavanje rada sa bazama podataka (Oracle,Microsoft SQL);
Poznavanje rada na Windows, Windows server i Linux operativnim sistemima;
Iskustvo u radu sa virtualizacijskim tehnologijama (KVM / HyperV / VMWare);
Poznavanje računarskih mreža (LAN) i načina umrežavanja;
Dobro poznavanje engleskog jezika u pisanju i govoru;